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The Impacts of Addiction on the LGBTQ+ Community

Research suggests that the LGBTQ+ community experiences higher rates of substance use disorders compared to individuals who identify as heterosexual. Unfortunately, much of the LGBTQ+ community face discrimination and stigma from others, which can inevitably hurt one’s mental health and well-being. Because of this, some may turn to unhealthy coping strategies, like drugs and alcohol to cope. In this article, you’ll learn more about the impact of addiction in the LGBTQ community, and why there are higher rates of addiction within the LGBTQ+ community. 

At Outpatient LA, we are a leading outpatient drug rehab committed to helping clients achieve long-lasting sobriety. We understand each individual’s recovery journey is unique. Our compassionate team is here to help you receive the personalized care you need to effectively progress along your road to recovery. We offer a variety of addiction treatment programs to ensure you receive tailored support. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment options.

3 Ways Addiction Impacts the LGBTQ+ Community

When understanding addiction in the LGBTQ community, it’s important to know that there are greater levels of discrimination and stigma relative to heterosexual individuals, which plays a role in a heightened risk of addiction. Inevitably, this can bring about higher feelings of stress, loneliness, and anxiety for fear of rejection and judgment. Keep reading to learn how addiction impacts the LGBTQ+ community below. 

Increased Rates of Substance Use and Abuse

First, the LGBTQ+ community as mentioned above faces higher rates of substance use and abuse. Many people turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with negative feelings, like anxiety, loneliness, or rejection. Unfortunately, because the LGBTQ+ community experiences greater levels of discrimination, this can in turn lead to more people within the community turning to ways to cope with these negative feelings, like turning to drugs or alcohol.

It’s important to note that while the LGBTQ+ community does experience higher rates of substance use and abuse, this is not to say that heterosexual individuals cannot struggle with addiction. Likewise, this is not to say that all individuals within the LGBTQ+ community struggle with addiction; however, higher rates of individuals who do not identify as heterosexual struggle with substance abuse. 

Discrimination Can Lead to Many Turning to Unhealthy Coping Strategies

Many people within the LGBTQ+ community still experience discrimination, whether it be from friends, peers, classmates, coworkers, or even their own family members. Inevitably, discrimination and stigma because of one’s sexual orientation can bring about feelings of sadness, rejection, and loneliness. This can lead many within the LGBTQ+ community to look for ways to cope with these negative feelings. 

Unfortunately, some individuals turn to drugs or alcohol to try and cope with being discriminated against. While drug abuse may appear to temporarily relieve these negative feelings of rejection and anxiety, this can cause a slippery slope of individuals falling victim to drugs and developing an addiction. 

Heightened Risk of Co-occurring Disorders

Many individuals within the LGBTQ+ community who struggle with addiction may also struggle with a mental illness, like anxiety or depression. This can result in many struggling with a co-occurring disorder, which is when an individual struggles with both a substance use and mental health disorder at the same time. If you suspect you may be struggling with both a mental illness and addiction, it’s important to seek dual diagnosis treatment to ensure you treat both conditions simultaneously to reduce your risk of relapse. 

Help Is Available 

There are many elements that can contribute to addiction in the LGBTQ+ community. From facing higher rates of substance abuse compared to individuals who identify as heterosexual, to a heightened risk of co-occurring disorders, the LGBTQ+ community faces various challenges that can, unfortunately, make some turn to unhealthy coping strategies like drugs to try and cope with feelings of sadness, rejection, and isolation. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it’s critical you seek professional support to break free of addiction once and for all. At Outpatient LA, we are committed to helping patients receive the tailored support they need to lead healthier, happier lives. Addiction is a debilitating disease; however, you don’t have to suffer in silence and face your addiction all on your own. Our compassionate team of addiction specialists is here to help you receive the individualized care you need to break free of addiction once and for all. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your recovery. 


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