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How Many Veterans With PTSD Seek Treatment?

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 7 out of every 100 veterans will have PTSD. Unfortunately, many people who struggle with PTSD may fail to recognize their condition, and that they are in need of professional treatment to better manage their PTSD symptoms. In fact, nearly half of veterans with PTSD don’t seek treatment. In this article, you’ll learn more about how many veterans with PTSD seek treatment, and why some veterans may not seek treatment for PTSD.


At Outpatient LA, we are a top-rated outpatient drug rehab that provides a comprehensive range of addiction treatment for patients to achieve long-term sobriety. We provide tailored care so patients can not only overcome their addiction, but heal physically, mentally, and emotionally. Contact us today to learn more about how we can best support your unique recovery needs. 

Veterans Face An Increase Risk of PTSD, Yet Many Do Not Seek Professional Treatment

Interested in learning more about the question “how many veterans with PTSD seek treatment”. Research estimates around half of veterans struggling with PTSD seek treatment. This staggering showcases that while half of veterans with PTSD seek treatment, the other half struggle with their PTSD symptoms alone. Not only can this be harmful to their physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being, but PTSD can also cause a strain in relationships with friends and family. 

Barriers Veterans Face When Seeking Treatment for PTSD

There are a number of reasons why a veteran struggling with PTSD may not seek professional treatment. Keep reading to learn more about the various factors that explain why half of the veterans who have PTSD don’t seek professional treatment.

Inability to Recognize They are Struggling with PTSD

First, simply many veterans may not recognize that they are suffering from PTSD. While they may be aware of certain PTSD symptoms they may be experiencing, like flashbacks, nightmares, or being hypervigilant of people and their surroundings, they may not recognize that experiencing these symptoms indicates they may be struggling with PTSD. Therefore, many veterans who suffer from PTSD may delay seeking professional treatment because they might not understand the symptoms they are experiencing are linked to PTSD.

Stigma Associated with Mental Illness

Another common reason why many veterans with PTSD may not seek treatment is the stigma associated with mental illness. While talking about mental health and seeking treatment for mental illness is becoming more open and less stigmatized, some people, especially those within the military industry, may feel that asking for help for their PTSD is a weakness. Even though asking for help takes strength, many people may wrongfully assume seeking treatment is a weakness. 

Abusing Drugs to Cope with PTSD Symptoms

Finally, unfortunately, many veterans with PTSD may abuse drugs or alcohol to try and cope with their PTSD symptoms. This can cause them inevitably to keep turning to drugs rather than seeking professional help to address their PTSD. 

While abusing drugs or alcohol may seem to address your symptoms of stress and anxiety over the short term, constantly turning to drugs to cope with your PTSD can greatly interfere with your overall health and quality of life. This is why it’s important to ask for help, whether you are struggling with a mental disorder like PTSD, drug addiction, or any other form of mental health disorder. 

Help Is Available 

Now you know more about the question “how many veterans with PTSD seek treatment”. While not all veterans struggle with PTSD, unfortunately nearly half of the veterans who do struggle with PTSD don’t seek professional treatment. Not only can not seeking treatment lead to worsening physical and mental health symptoms, but it can also cause some to turn to drugs or alcohol to try and cope with their untreated PTSD symptoms. You should never feel like you have to face your PTSD condition all on your own– help is available!

At Outpatient LA, we are a top-rated outpatient drug rehab that helps patients safely and effectively achieve long-lasting sobriety. You should never feel too afraid or ashamed to ask for help when it comes to leading a healthier, happier quality of life. We provide a comprehensive range of outpatient treatment options so you can receive the right care that best aligns with your needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you progress along your recovery journey. 

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