Unfortunately, millions of people struggle with drug addiction in the United States. Drug addiction can hurt not just your physical health, but also your mental health and relationships with others. There are a wide variety of addictive substances, from heroin to cocaine, alcohol, opioids, and more, that people abuse. In this article, you’ll learn more about the most widely abused drugs in the United States.
At Outpatient LA, we are a leading outpatient drug rehab that offers individualized addiction treatment for patients to lead healthier, happier lives. From our intensive outpatient program to partial hospitalization, we provide a range of outpatient treatment programs so you can safely break free from addiction. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you on your road to recovery.
5 Most Widely Abused Drugs in the US
From legal drugs in the United States like alcohol and nicotine to illegal drugs like heroin or cocaine, there are a wide variety of drugs that are abused in the US. Regardless of whether a drug is legal does not mean abusing the substance is healthy. Below are several of the most widely abused drugs in the United States.
You may be surprised to hear that alcohol is a drug. But, alcohol is one of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States. Just because alcohol is a legal drug does not undermine its dangerous effects on your body. Not only can abusing alcohol harm your physical and mental health, but abusing alcohol long-term can lead to dependency and addiction. This is why it’s critical to first be aware of the addictive nature of alcohol but also to drink in moderation. If you find you are unable to quit drinking, even when you make an effort to stop, this is a common sign you are struggling with an addiction.
Marijuana is another widely abused drug in the United States. Although marijuana use has become legalized in a number of states, this does not undermine the dangerous effects of the drug on your brain and body. Similar to alcohol, just because marijuana is legal in many states does not mean that it is not an addictive drug. Many people across the United States fall victim to marijuana addiction.
Opioids are another widely abused drug in the United States. Many people abuse opioids, whether they are abusing a certain opioid medication they were prescribed, or abusing an opioid not prescribed to them. Unfortunately, abusing opioids can not only lead to drug dependency and addiction, but many people overdose and die as a result of abusing opioids.
Heroin is one of the most widely abused drugs in the United States, and unfortunately, many people overdose and die from abusing heroin each year in the United States. Not only can heroin abuse lead to life-threatening consequences, but it can also lead to various physical and psychological issues from raising your risk of heart problems to your risk of experiencing mood swings or irritability when you try to stop abusing heroin.
Nicotine is another legalized drug that is abused by many across the United States. Although more and more people are understanding the dangers of abusing nicotine from both an addiction perspective and a health complication perspective (ie. increased risk of lung cancer), still many people smoke cigarettes and abuse vaping products, thus raising their risk of dependency and addiction.
Help Is Available
Now you know more about the most widely abused drugs in the United States. Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused drugs, and yet, many people don’t understand how addictive alcohol can be. Although alcohol and nicotine are legal, this does not mean they are not addictive substances. If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, it’s critical you seek professional help to break free from addiction.
At Outpatient Los Angeles, our experienced team offers a broad range of addiction treatment to ensure you have the best possible care for your unique recovery needs. We provide a range of outpatient addiction treatment programs to ensure you receive the tailored care you need to effectively achieve long-term sobriety. Contact us today to learn more about how we can best support your recovery journey.