The Power of Self-Compassion in Recovery

Addiction is a damaging disease that can destroy not just your physical health but also your self-confidence and compassion. Addiction can bring about great shame and guilt; however, it’s critical you develop self-compassion in recovery so you can let go of past regrets and welcome the healthier, happier version of yourself. Keep reading to learn more about why the power of self-compassion in recovery is so important. 

Outpatient LA is a top-rated outpatient drug rehab in Los Angeles that’s helped many patients safely and effectively achieve lasting sobriety. We understand that every addict’s recovery journey is going to look uniquely different. We offer a range of Beverly Hills addiction treatment options so you can receive personalized care to achieve sobriety. Contact us today to learn more about how we can best support your recovery. 

5 Ways Self-Compassion Can Help Your Recovery Journey 

Developing self-compassion is critical along your road to recovery. Not only does self-compassion allow you to let go of your past mistakes, but it also helps you build confidence so you can maintain your sobriety long-term. Below are ways in which the power of self-compassion in recovery can improve your recovery journey. Self-compassion:

Quiets Your Inner Critic

First, the power of self-compassion in recovery allows you to quiet your inner critic in your head. Negative self-talk and being highly critical of yourself and others can be damaging to your recovery journey and mental health in general. While you still want to maintain a sense of accountability and set boundaries to maintain your sobriety, self compassion allows you to positively improve your recovery journey rather than being hyper-critical of yourself. 

Boosts Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem 

Self-compassion in recovery also helps boost your self-confidence and self-esteem, which is important in maintaining long-term sobriety. Research found that people struggling with addiction experience lower levels of self-esteem. Fortunately, exercising self-compassion for yourself and how far you’ve come along your road to recovery will help grow your confidence in yourself. Not only will you be able to reflect upon your progress, but you’ll be able to use this progress as motivation to create more positive change in your life as you start to live a life free from the chains of addiction. 

Enhances Ability to Set Boundaries

Self-compassion in recovery also helps you strengthen your ability to set healthy boundaries. This is because no longer will you see setting boundaries as an annoyance but as a necessary step to maintain your health and happiness. This is because when you are kind and compassionate to yourself, you no longer are willing to put up with unhealthy thoughts, experiences, or people who have the potential to cross your boundaries and jeopardize either your recovery journey or your mental health and well-being. 

Releases Any Guilt or Shame From Your Past

Self-compassion in recovery also helps you release any guilt or shame for your past self. Forgiveness and compassion are closely interconnected in that you cannot exercise compassion for yourself and others if you are not willing to forgive yourself and others. In being able to forgive yourself for your past mistakes and addiction, you are letting go of feelings of pain, shame, and guilt that can keep you from truly living the free, fulfilling, and happy life that you deserve to live. 

Helps You Your Unique Recovery Journey 

Finally, the power of self-compassion in recovery allows you to embrace your own unique recovery journey. Comparison and seeing how far peers have come in their own recovery journeys can sometimes make you question your personal progress. However, being kind to yourself and acknowledging all the progress you’ve made in recovery will help you keep moving in the right direction and maintain lifelong sobriety. 

Time to Break Free of Addiction 

As you can see, self-compassion in recovery is powerful because it not only helps boost your self-confidence but enables you to release any shame or guilt so you can effectively progress along your sobriety journey. Hanging on to negative thoughts and feelings of your past life not only will hinder your progress but can potentially jeopardize your recovery journey and make you turn back to old unhealthy habits.

If you are struggling with addiction, help is available. At Outpatient LA, our compassionate team is here to help you every step of the way on your road to recovery. Gone are the days of suffering in silence with your addiction. We offer a range of treatment programs and options so you can take back control of your health and quality of life. Contact us today to learn how we can help you develop self-compassion in recovery.

Rebuilding Self-Esteem in Recovery: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing

Research has found that individuals involved with addiction have lower self-esteem compared with the “ordinary” person. Unfortunately, addiction is a cyclic process that continues to hurt self-esteem for the worse. Those who turn to drugs because of struggles with self-esteem then continue to have low self-esteem because of their addiction.

However, you don’t have to struggle with low self-esteem and addiction for the rest of your life. In this article, you’ll learn five ways you can build self esteem in recovery.

At Outpatient LA, we are a top-rated outpatient drug rehab in Los Angeles that is here to help as many patients as possible achieve lasting sobriety. Our comprehensive addiction treatment in Beverly Hills  includes a range of treatment options so you can receive the right care for your recovery needs. Contact us today to learn more about how you can break free of addiction once and for all.

How to Rebuild Self-Esteem in Recovery

Low self-esteem can negatively impact your health, quality of life, and recovery journey for the worse. Unfortunately, many people struggling with addiction experience low self-esteem, making it that much more difficult to achieve long-term sobriety. However, if you are struggling with addiction and low self-esteem, there are several ways you can rebuild self-esteem in recovery so you can take back control of your life for good. 

Challenge Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk is extremely dangerous. It can be difficult to recognize your ruminating negative thoughts unless you are aware of your own thought patterns. Therefore, it’s important to challenge negative self-talk in order to start rebuilding self-esteem in recovery. 

Sometimes, it can be difficult to recognize that you are struggling with negative thinking; therefore, consider keeping a journal or writing in the notes app of your phone whenever you recognize yourself spiraling to get your thoughts down on paper, rather than letting these thoughts linger in your mind. 

Practice Positivity

Next, it’s important to replace that negative self-talk with positive thinking. Rather than saying “I’m not good enough” or “No one likes me,” replace those negative thoughts with positive thoughts and actions. In other words, shift your thoughts toward something positive and uniquely special about yourself. 

Avoid Situations that Negatively Impact Your Self-Esteem

Some situations, people, or events may trigger and negatively impact your self-esteem. For example, being around negative people that are self-conscious and critical about themselves and others can easily impact your own self-esteem for the worse. Therefore, be aware of the situations and people you surround yourself with to protect your self-esteem in recovery and beyond.

Forgive Yourself and Others

Forgiveness is a critical component of building your self-esteem. Not only is it important to forgive yourself in recovery, but it’s also important to forgive others who may have hurt you in your past. Carrying feelings of anger, resentment, or sadness with you will only keep your self-esteem low and prevent you from becoming the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.

Seek Professional Help to Heal

And, last but not least, you should seek professional help to build self-esteem in recovery. You should never think that you are all alone in your recovery journey. There are countless addiction treatment centers and mental health facilities around the country ready to help you build your self-esteem and overcome addiction once and for all. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help when it comes to leading a healthier life. 

Help Is Available 

Rebuilding self-esteem in recovery is critical so you can effectively progress on your path to sobriety. Although increasing self-worth in recovery won’t happen overnight, it is critical that you work daily to rebuild self-esteem. Failure to do so can put your mental health and sobriety at risk.

At Outpatient LA, we offer premier California outpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs to help patients safely and effectively progress on their recovery journey. Addiction can affect every aspect of your life for the worse. If you’re looking to regain control of your life, our compassionate team of addiction specialists is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help support your recovery journey.